As one of seven committees within the California Thoracic Society, the Pediatric Committee is focused on improving care of pediatric patients faced with the entire spectrum of pulmonary concerns – from intermittent asthma to cystic fibrosis. Currently, this task is being addressed in a three-pronged approach that includes: (1) assisting clinicians, (2) legislative advocacy, and (3) education of families and patients.
The Pediatric Committee is devoted to helping you take excellent care of your patients. How?
The Pediatric Committee interfaces DIRECTLY with the California Children’s Services (CCS) physician liaison. New issues of interest to the CCS that we are dealing with includes:
- Transitioning of care of patients with cystic fibrosis and patients with chronic lung disease and cognitive delay from pediatric practitioners to adult practitioners with a team approach.
- Recommendations for use of Airway Clearance Devices in the in- and out-patient settings.
- Work with Cystic Fibrosis Consortium on best practice guidelines for testing and initiating therapy of patients with CF and CF variants.
We ADVOCATE for our patients! The CTS has a seat on the California Medical Association. This year, the Pediatric Committee is querying:
- Regulation of E cigarettes in the pediatric community
- Developing a model of care for a team/medical home approach for clients turning 21 who have chronic lung disease and cognitive delay.
- Recent past areas of support have included: 1) Support designation of pulse oximetry as durable medical equipment, and 2) Support recommendation that insurance companies be required to designate at least one inhaled corticosterioid product as “generic” for patients with “two-tier” pharmacy payment plans. 3) Support recommendation that DME companies have a legal responsibility (state and federal) for bedside education and transition of care from hospital to home with 24/7 on call availability for ventilated patients.
Our committee is actively concerned with patient education, which ultimately assists the clinicians taking care of patients as well. We have spent years editing and augmenting a 52-page guide to “Home Care of Children on Ventilators”. Available in English and Spanish
The committee is very fortunate to have motivated committee members representing many areas of pulmonary patient care from many healthcare discipline. We are always look forward to any comments, questions, or future directions that you think our committee can and should address.