Below you will find information to help choose registration options for our Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep Fellows’ Career Pathway Guidance session on Sunday, March 23rd, 2025 and Poster Competition on Saturday, March 22nd, 2025, right after our CTS Annual Conference (March 20th-22nd, 2025) in Monterey, California. This is a unique opportunity to meet and network with pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine physicians in an intimate and casual setting. Many of these physicians are from academic and community centers throughout the state and represent programs you may be interested in joining either for fellowship or a job following fellowship. Do not miss out on this special opportunity!
The Sunday session will include a problem-based learning presentation, as well as panel discussions, and academic and career talks. We are very pleased to share that we have *funds to cover the cost of the overnight stay at the Conference Hotel on Saturday, March 22nd (along with meals and parking) for all trainees who plan to attend this in-person session on Sunday, March 23rd from 9am-12:30pm.
*Our funds can only cover the first 60 Saturday night hotel reservation requests. To receive the complimentary overnight hotel stay, you must attend the Sunday Sessions.
Attending our Sunday Career Guidance Session also allows you to receive a complimentary conference registration for one, two or all three days of the Conference.
**Earn up to 19 CME/CEU Credits Jointly Provided by AKH Inc. and California Thoracic Society. CME/CEU Credits Available by Day: Thursday 5.5 / Friday 6.5 / Saturday 7
If you plan to stay overnight on Saturday March 22nd only, please make your hotel reservation directly through our discounted hotel room block link. After you make your reservation, email with your reservation details and we will move your Saturday night fees onto our Master Conference Account.
If you plan to stay additional nights at the Portola, you will be responsible for those costs, but please also book your full stay through our discounted hotel room block link and email us at with your reservation details and we will move your Saturday night fees onto our Master Conference Account, while you will cover your other fees upon checkout.
Click here for Portola Hotel Reservations
Saturday Evening Poster Competition Only
The California Thoracic Society (CTS) poster competition is open to all trainees and early career professionals, including residents, fellows, nurses/NPs, and respiratory therapists who reside in the state of California. We are calling for both scientific research abstracts and case reports pertaining to pulmonary medicine, thoracic imaging, thoracic surgery, critical care, or sleep medicine.
If you're unable to attend the Sunday Session, there is a $75 registration fee to enter the Saturday Evening Poster Competition.
Sunday Fellows/Residents/Trainees session
March 23, 2025
8:00 am - 6:00 pm -
Saturday Fellows/Residents/Trainees session
March 22, 2025
8:00 am - 6:00 pm -
Friday Fellows/Residents/Trainees session
March 21, 2025
8:00 am - 6:00 pm -
Thursday Fellows/Residents/Trainees session
March 20, 2025
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Venue: Portola Hotel & Spa
The CTS has secured a limited number of rooms at the Portola Hotel. For check-in on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 and check-out on Sunday, March 23, 2025, the room rate is $279 per night plus taxes. (Your welcome to come early and stay late, rates cover Sunday March 16th thru Wednesday March 26th) Room rate expires , February 25, 2025.
Pre and post nights at the group rate have been added. This will enable your guests to conveniently reserve rooms outside of the contracted dates and extend their stay.
Click for Reservations
Guests are also welcome to call the hotel reservations at (866) 711-1734; you just need to mention you are with the California Thoracic Society to get the group rate.